“Consciousness Explained:
How Collective Consciousness Changes and Affects our World (1)”
Resonance Theory of Consciousness
Using the resonance theory of consciousness (2), the Collective Consciousness
plays a huge role in how we define our world functions, based on our collective
Beginning to notice your energy levels are based on your emotions, and that
we can change them at will, is where we may begin to raise the vibration of our combined
Collective Consciousness.
What level are you resonating at in this moment?
According to the “Power vs. Force” emotional electromagnetic frequency chart
Our Life View perspective dictates our level of emotion which can be measured
as vibrational energy, wavelengths, and frequencies, creating our state of

But here’s the great news…We don’t need to comprehend the
energetic-holographic concept of reality (3) in its entirety, or even a little bit –
but, there’s the link just in case you are ready to flow from Survivor Mode into
Explorer Mode and on to life as a Creator.
We don’t need approval from an entire scientific community or an okay from a
panel of politicians before embracing what we already know to be true… We
are all pitching out and catching vibes 24/7.
“If we want to know the secrets of the universe, we should focus on the non
physical aspects rather than physical ones, that will speed up the inventions.
So that’s it – the trio energy, frequency, and vibrations are all nonphysical
aspects. We can’t see them with eyes.”
~ Nikola Tesla ~

Your emotions are the gateway to intuitive living. But, as Nikola Tesla, points
out above, just because we can’t see energy, frequency, and vibrations, this is
where we need to focus our attention in order to understand the Secrets of the
Tune into a new wavelength – Set a new vibe.
Attitude is a matter of choice – Choose wisely.
To change the world – We must change ourselves.
VIBE@225Hz Dirty Minds Movement is underway and
encourages minds of all kinds to consider:
We are energy and we possess the power to invoke change.
Our vision is uniting humanity on a mission to VIBE@225Hz,
the vibration where personal power appears on the electromagnetic frequency
VIBE@225Hz guides society through creational power, invoking global
change via Collective Consciousness unified by shared beliefs inspired to
influence rapid change, cultivating widespread peace of mind.
2Ways 2Get Started 2Day
Complete the Unite w/ vibe225hz form below and receive
“5 Fast Frequency Fixes”
Purchase any vibe225hz Official Movement Gear
to begin sharing the mission!
Don’t just set the stage… take it with me as we invoke the power of our
Collective Conscious to begin opening Dirty Minds wearing vibe225hz
Official Gear.
Wear vibe225hz Official Movement Gear designed to cultivate cosmic
connections, for speaking about increasing our vibrational frequency towards raising the
vibe of the collective consciousness to vibe225hz.
vibe225hz Official Movement Gear gives our movement legs, making
achieving our Dirty Minds Mission a walk in the park.